10 June - 16 July 2017
Kulturdivisionen Slagteriet, Holstebro, DEnmark
Koncertsal is an ambitious musical architectural installation, an unusual experiment that gathers an international collective of artists, builders, and musicians to build a sprawling kinetic sound construction, both musical and architectural, site-specific to the former slaughterhouse Kulturdivisionen Slagteriet.
Mechanical music is created before the eyes of the viewer, producing a multi-sensorial experience, an interactive environment to explore, a habitat for kinetic sound sculptures. An architectural sculpture provides the backbone of Koncertsal: a hanging forest of kites constructed by Mr. & Mr. in collaboration with Anne Hollænder & Erik Tonning Jensen. The room resonates with a robotic orchestra by Ranjit Bhatnagar with Nick Yulman and Justin Lacko: a hacked theater spotlight, reconstructed accordions, and a robotic guitar, with vocal loops by Anne Hollænder. A 20-meter sound reactive kaleidoscope by Frédéric Durieu looms over the room, rendering each twitch and tweak of the melody into hypnotic colors and shapes.
The installation is designed and produced together by Ad Hoc Collective, a collaborative of artists, builders, and musicians from the US and across Europe, working in conjunction with the triannual Holstebro festuge.
Participating artists: Ranjit Bhatnagar, Frédéric Durieu, Anne Hollænder & Erik Tonning Jensen, Mr. & Mr. (Alexis Lautier & Pierre Talagrand), and Nick Yulman. The project is curated by Jean Barberis and Georgia Muenster.
Special thanks to: Jens Ardal, Anne Bataï, Lasse Bruun Eriksen, Morten Kromann, Justin Lacko, Mette Sandholt, and Aleksandr Sandovic.
Koncertsal is generously supported by Burning Man Arts, Kulturdivisionen Slagteriet Holstebro, and Statens Kunstfond.
Hacked theater light by Ranjit Bhatnagar & Justin Lacko. Photo by Justin Lacko.
Installation view. Photo by Justin Lacko.
Sound-reactive kaleidoscopic projections by Frédéric Durieu. Photo by Georgia Muenster.
Photo by Justin Lacko.
Photo by Justin Lacko.