Black Box Formula
5 – 22 March 2015
Royal College of Art Henry Moore Galleries, London
An exhibition on the ‘unknown’ in art and technology installed within a black boxed gallery, one of four RCA Curating Contemporary Art MA 2015 final shows. Black Box Formula features work by contemporary artists reflecting on the nature of the black box, a concept used in technology and social sciences, employing prosthetics, networks, and post-human thinking in new artworks and commissions.
Participating artists: Zach Blas, Hyungkoo Lee, Lawrence Lek, Harry Sanderson, and YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES. Curated by Jintaeg Jang, Georgia Muenster, and Joni Zhu.
Gallery view. Photo by Peanut Photography.
YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, The Mystery of Manzoni's Merda. Photo by Peanut Photography.
Hyungkoo Lee, 21 Experiments. Video still courtesy the artist.
Lawrence Lek, Geomancer (Black Box Instrument). Photo by Jintaeg Jang.
Zach Blas, Contra-sexual Manifesto. Photo by Jintaeg Jang.